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Cryptography is the study and practice of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries. It deals with developing and analyzing protocols that prevents malicious third parties from retrieving information being shared between two entities thereby following the various aspects of information security. Secure Communication refers to the scenario where the message or data shared between two parties can’t be accessed by an adversary. In Cryptography, an Adversary is a malicious entity, which aims to retrieve precious information or data thereby undermining the principles of information security. Data Confidentiality, Data Integrity, Authentication and Non-repudiation are core principles of modern-day cryptography.

  1. Confidentiality refers to certain rules and guidelines usually executed under confidentiality agreements which ensure that the information is restricted to certain people or places.
  2. Data integrity refers to maintaining and making sure that the data stays accurate and consistent over its entire life cycle.
  3. Authentication is the process of making sure that the piece of data being claimed by the user belongs to it.
  4. Non-repudiation refers to the ability to make sure that a person or a party associated with a contract or a communication cannot deny the authenticity of their signature over their document or the sending of a message.

Consider two parties Alice and Bob. Now, Alice wants to send a message m to Bob over a secure channel. So, what happens is as follows. The sender’s message or sometimes called the Plaintext, is converted into an unreadable form using a Key k. The resultant text obtained is called the Ciphertext. This process is known as Encryption. At the time of received, the Ciphertext is converted back into the plaintext using the same Key k, so that it can be read by the receiver. This process is known as Decryption.

Exploratary Data Analysis on Milatary Dataset

Advanced study of topics in database systems, including query optimization, concurrency, data warehouses, object-oriented extensions, and XML.  brandman, simca
Examination of the evolution of operating systems and design, focusing on hardware/software evolution leading to contemporary operating systems; basic operating systems concepts; methods of operating systems design and construction; algorithms for CPU scheduling, memory and general resource allocation; process coordination and management.  brandman, simca
Introductory course that provides the basic concepts, nomenclature, and historical perspective of computers and computing. Includes an introduction to software development and Object-Oriented Programming.  college credit, nccrs, thomas edison, asba

In this course you will learn about simple and complex Linux commands, combining them, building Bash scripts, etc. It will be hands-on, where the teacher will show first how to use different commands and the participants will try them themselves. Each participant is going to have an account on the training server. 

This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners.  Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python.  This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.


Data is a collection of facts and figures. The data collection was increasing day to day and they needed to be stored in a device or a software which is safer.

Charles Bachman was the first person to develop the Integrated Data Store (IDS) which was based on network data model for which he was inaugurated with the Turing Award (The most prestigious award which is equivalent to Nobel prize in the field of Computer Science.). It was developed in early 1960’s.

In the late 1960’s, IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) developed the Integrated Management Systems which is the standard database system used till date in many places. It was developed based on the hierarchical database model. It was during the year 1970 that the relational database model was developed by Edgar Codd. Many of the database models we use today are relational based. It was considered the standardized database model from then.

The relational model was still in use by many people in the market.Later during the same decade (1980’s), IBM developed the Structured Query Language (SQL) as a part of R project. It was declared as a standard language for the queries by ISO and ANSI. The Transaction Management Systems for processing transactions was also developed by James Gray for which he was felicitated the Turing Award.

Further, there were many other models with rich features like complex queries, datatypes to insert images and many others. The Internet Age has perhaps influenced the data models much more. Data models were developed using object oriented programming features, embedding with scripting languages like Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) for queries. With humongous data being available online, DBMS is gaining more significance day by day.

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