The MCA, a two-year post-graduate course, caters to individuals seeking an in-depth understanding of Computer Application development using contemporary programming languages. This program combines theoretical teachings with hands-on experience, offering students a chance to engage with tools aimed at creating more efficient and advanced applications.

Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Need for OO paradigm , A
way of viewing world- Agents, responsibility, messages, methods, classes
and instances, class hierarchies (Inheritance), method binding, overriding
and exceptions, summary of OOP concepts, coping with complexity,
abstraction mechanisms. Java Basics: Data types, variables, scope and life
time of variables, arrays, operators, expressions, control statements, type
conversion and costing, simple java program, classes and objects-concepts
of classes, objects, constructors methods, access control, this keyword,
garbage collection, overloading methods and constructors, parameter
passing, recursion, string handling.
Inheritance: Hierarchical abstractions, Base class object, subclass,
subtype, substitutability, forms of inheritance- specialization, specification,
construction, extension, limitation, combination, benefits of inheritance
costs of inheritance. Member access rules, super uses, using final with
inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes. Packages and Interfaces:
Defining, Creating and Accessing a package, Understanding CLASSPATH,
Importing packages, differences between classes and interfaces, defining an
interface, Implementing interface, applying interfaces variables in interface
and extending interfaces.
Exception handling and Multithreading: Concepts of exception handling,
benefits of exception handling, Termination or presumptive models,
exception hierarchy, usage of try, catch, throws and finally, built in
exceptions, creating own exception sub classes. Differences between multi
threading and multitasking, thread life cycle, creating threads,
synchronizing threads, daemon threads, thread groups.